Enviroglaze helps local charity with spiralling fuel bills

Enviroglaze helps local charity with spiralling fuel bills. David Norris featured with Freda Mountain who runs the centre along with staff and members of the public that regularly use the centre Age concerns day centre in Chelmsford makes a big difference to elderly people’s lives.

More information: chairty, business, david norris

Enviroglaze helps local charity with spiralling fuel bills. David Norris featured with Freda Mountain who runs the centre along with staff and members of the public that regularly use the centre Age concerns day centre in Chelmsford makes a big difference to elderly people’s lives. It gives the elderly a chance to socialise and interact with people whether it be the bingo club or with one of the charity\’s outings. The charity helps keep them fit and healthy. It is a place where the elderly go to eat a healthy three course meal at a discounted price while using the charity\’s central heating.

\’When we visited the day centre it was clear that this was a charity that we wanted to help, some of the people that were using the day centre have no family or friends and are suffering from illness along with struggling to pay for their energy bills which are only going to increase year after year. The charity is running at a loss and we know that by donating a Central Heating Management System this will save the charity on their energy bills. We know just how much the charity needs help and we are passionate when it comes to helping the the local community. The Charity\’s day centre based at Cottage Place in Chelmsford has all of the common problems that you will find in a central heating system. Our system will remove all of the cold spots on a permanent basis giving the building a radiant heat, the flow rate of the water will be increases which means the property will get hot quicker. We are changing all of the TRVs to the latest Globus product along with giving the charity a new thermostat which is touch screen. There are 17 radiators within the building and most of them have cold spots, they spent £2360.78 last year so our aim is to save them money in the next 12 months, the property has been surveyed and the installation has now taken place said the Director of Enviroglaze David Norris The Charity operates five days a week throughout the year. Age concern in Chelmsford currently prepares and serves just under 7,400 two-course meals annually, including a small number of meals for staff and volunteers.

How will the Central Heating Management System help the Age Concern Day centre?

• Eliminates thermal shock by blending the heated water before it enters the system, removing inefficiencies which leads to the familiar cracking noises, pump resistances, poor flow rate and higher fuel bills
• Eliminates pump cavitations, which will increase the average flow of water passing through a radiator by up to 70%
• Removes air from the central heating system at the point of entry, eliminating air locks in the pipe work and the need to bleed radiators, prolonging the life of the entire central heating system.
• No more balancing of radiators. With the the Central Heating Management System in place all lock shield valves are left fully open
• By heating the top and bottom of the radiators more uniformly, they produce more powerful radiant heat
• Allows your boiler to be reduced from an average 75°C-85°C to 60°C

We are now pleased to report the system is in place and according to Freda Mountain who runs this wonderful facility the rooms have never been warmer!!! . David Norris said it is a pleasure to assist a local charity.

For more information go to www.enviroglaze.co.uk

Enviroglaze helps local charity with spiralling fuel bills