Live Long with Healthy Diet

This article is all about healthy diet and tips for common people.

More information: e111

A healthy diet and lifestyle determines our quality of life. As living costs increase due to the economic downturns and turmoil experienced recently, dual income families are becoming the norm. Families are turning to take-outs and prepackaged microwave dinners. Packed with saturated fats and preservatives, this junk food leads to an array of diseases and health-related problems; obesity, high cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes and several other diet related conditions. It is possible to live a long and healthy life simple by monitoring your food intake. Here are some tips that can help you achieve a healthy diet that will ensure a long life.
Control your Calories
Most foods have a nutritional guide printed on the packaging. Based on your Body Mass Index (BMI) calculate your Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) of Calories. Your gender, lifestyle and age determine your RDI. A moderately active female aged between 19-35 years ideally requires 2000 to 2200 calories. A man in that category will require 2600 to 2800 calories.
Go for the Greens
Fruits and vegetables contain vital minerals that are not only beneficial for our health, they help increase our life span. Vegetarians live longer as compared to non-vegetarians as fruits and vegetables are easily digested and absorbed by our body. They contain virtually no fat and are loaded with vitamins and minerals. It is advisable to consume fruits and vegetables raw as the minerals are still intact.
Avoid Junk Food
As delicious as they are, the wrong foods will harm your body. They also trigger overeating and over time make us dependant on them. Foods high in sugar, fats and processed flour become a lifestyle choice that we live by. The very food we eat to live, weakens our immune system and weighs down our bodies. We become less active, easily fatigued and prone to illnesses. We imagine that age is catching up with us and the aches and pains are part of the package. By reducing and eventually discontinuing the intake of junk food, we can regain the active and energetic bodies we once had.
Stay Hydrated
Water forms three quarters of our body and is responsible for successful functioning of all bodily functions. Our liquid intake need not be in the form of water, rather, it can be any healthy liquid such as sugar free fruit and vegetable juices, milk, yoghurt etc. Apart from improving blood circulation and our hydro levels, staying hydrated improves skin elasticity as well so you not only live longer but look younger.
Eat on time
When you have your meals also determines how long you will live. Plan your meals in advance and have them only at the allotted time. Having an early lunch means getting hungry before dinner time which leads to snacking. Unless your meal choice is baby carrots and celery, the 6 o\’clock munchies are a guaranteed encouragement for unhealthy eating habits. Skipping breakfast also slows down metabolism which translates to low nutrient absorption.
At the end of the day, we are what we eat. Eat better to live longer. In case of any medical issues contact e111.

Live Long with Healthy Diet