Networking, Motivation, Planning, Funding, Resources & Success! Personal Project Book

Networking, Motivation, Planning, Funding, Resources & Success!
Personal Project Book
An online network to support and teach people how to develop the project of their choosing with all the resources they need.

More information: Personal Project Book

We all have dreams!
How many of those dreams have we fulfilled?
How many of those dreams have we wanted to fulfill?
Many of us struggle for what we want.
That feeling of discouragement, no clue where to start, no resources and no help?! It\’s not a good feeling!
Have you ever felt like this?
If you have or empathize with people having this experience then you should read this page and support this project…This struggle is a thing of the past!
I am a professional project coach and manager with over 20years of experience with a background in psychology. But above all, I am an excited enthusiast, visionary, persistent and goal-oriented person that is in the pursuit of his lifetime dream, and I won\’t stop until it is actualized! My lifetime dream is one related to humanity. I want to help people actualize their potential and achieve their lifetime dreams.
For this reason, I decided to pilot a project along with a small team of professional friends, a new initiative that is going to leverage the resources of people ALL AROUND THE WORLD through proven technologies, the web and mobile applications.
I am designing a new web portal that I call Personal Project Book ( or PPB. The objective of the project is to create an “integrated system of technical and human resources” that will guide people like you to all of the needed resources (financial, technical, motivational, etc.) to develop whatever project you have in mind. Everything you need to create your project has already been created somewhere in the world, and PPB is going to do all of the legwork to help you access it and use it.
In addition, the portal will provide the necessary human expertise to guide you in fulfilling your project and take you by the hand if necessary to achieve your goal. Your goal becomes our focus.
The initiative is ambitious, yet very doable and we are very determined to see it through to completion and help you fulfill your dreams as well!
I am sure of the benefit it will provide to everyone.
To create PPB I am raising funds on Kickstarter ( and you can help by contributing and sharing this initiative via this link ( with all the people in your networks.
Visit the kickstarter page ( watch my video and find out more about PPB (#hemppb).
Your heartfelt contribution is going to help fulfill the biggest and smallest of dreams!

Networking, Motivation, Planning, Funding, Resources & Success! Personal Project Book

Further information: Networking, Motivation, Planning, Funding, Resources & Success! Personal Project Book – visit