Rupert Stewart Cox published a new children’s book entitled “Lyttleton – A Tale of Two Feet”

Lyttelton is a small boy with very large feet. Not just two very large feet, but two very left feet.

More information:

About the Book:

The story recounts how Lyttelton came to have such strange feet and how he overcame the problems that they caused. Lyttelton was a well-travelled boy, before and after he acquired his feet. This first book covers his early life; his journeys to England, Africa and Malaysia, the many adventures he encounters, and ends as he is about to start a new journey to boarding school on the other, darker side of the world.

About the Author:

Rupert Stewart Cox lives with his wife in South West France where he crafts bespoke French chairs. He has written this book purposely in the same way that he used to tell stories to his two daughters, with explanations and asides to help with the understanding of the tale, along with illustrations which he drew himself.

Excerpt from Book:

“The boy was small and white and was called Lyttelton. Lyttelton was normally brown because he lived in a hot country where the sun shone a lot of the time and he had become sun tanned. The only bit of Lyttelton that was not brown was his bottom; because he always wore swimming trunks or shorts, the sun never shone on his bottom. The reason that he was white in front of the brown door was because, sometimes, when people are scared or frightened they become white. When the scariness goes away, so does the whiteness and they go back to being their normal colour again. Lyttelton was just the same as most little boys, or nearly the same. The thing that made Lyttelton different from everybody else was that he had two big left feet.”

Lyttleton – A Tale of Two Feet can be ordered from Amazon in paperback at:

It can also be downloaded from Amazon in digital (e-book) format at:

Press/Media Contact Details:

Literary Agent:

Darin Jewell, Managing Director, The Inspira Group Literary Agency, 5 Bradley Road, Enfield, England EN3 6ES

Tel. 0208 292 5163

Rupert Stewart Cox published a new children’s book entitled “Lyttleton – A Tale of Two Feet”

Further information: Rupert Stewart Cox published a new children’s book entitled “Lyttleton – A Tale of Two Feet” – visit