Sony Online Sales Up 7%

Sony Europe Limited has increased online sales by 7.4% after rolling out a new email-marketing programme to communicate with customers who abandon a purchase online.

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Working with cart recovery software specialists, SaleCycle, the automated email tackles the ever increasing issue of basket abandonment which sees 76% of retail consumers put something in their shopping cart online but then leave the website without purchasing.

The email, which was trialled in the UK initially, has been rolled-out across all of Sony’s European websites and is yet more evidence of the importance of relevancy in email communications.

Jayne Knobbs, eCommerce Marketing Manager at Sony UK, had this to say, “Quality control and great customer service are key components of the Sony experience, both with our products and the way we communicate with customers. Working with SaleCycle, we put together a highly effective basket abandonment email programme to communicate to customers who leave the checkout process without purchasing; effectively our hottest prospects. I would recommend SaleCycle to anyone looking to implement a cart recovery programme – it’s a great solution.\”

The email itself, sent 40 minutes after the customer abandons their purchase, is customer service in it’s tone – using the heading ‘Don’t Worry, We’ve Saved Your Basket’ – and includes full details of the product(s) left in the basket.

Sony Online Sales Up 7%

Further information: Sony Online Sales Up 7% – visit