The Language of the Sea

The Legend of Hera by Susan Fenelon is published in paperback and e-book formats

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About the Book:

Hera, the Goddess of the Gulls, is the loneliest gull in Sealand. She is reputed to be the only gull able to converse with the Sea, an age-old tradition in Sealand; but old Hera failed to teach her successor the Sea language before she died. It seems the Sea language is lost forever to the proud, hard gull race. If the gulls found out Hera\’s lonely secret, they would kill her. Just when all seems lost, the Sea language finds Hera- and her life and mind are forever transformed.

Excerpt from the Book:

“The other gulls knew her as The Goddess of the Gulls: the only gull in Sealand who could actually speak to the Sea. Hera had been taught the secrets of the Sea language by old Hera, just before she died. It had always been so, down the ages: old Hera instructing her successor (a gull chosen by the Sea) in the secrets of the Sea language, so that there would always be one special gull in Sealand, who could keep the gulls informed of the Sea’s will. That gull took the name of Hera.

The gulls worshipped their goddess. She was their living link with the Sea. The gulls adored the Sea. Did not the Sea provide them with their food, fish? Was it not very beautiful, a fitting backdrop to set off their grace and beauty?”

THE LEGEND OF HERA can be ordered from Amazon UK at:



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Literary Agent:

Darin Jewell
The Inspira Group
Tel. 0208 292 5163

The Language of the Sea

Further information: The Language of the Sea – visit