Undoubtedly the internet has revolutionized communications across the globe. However, even with fingertip technology until January 2015 a consistent and reliable internet radio station was unobtainable.

Mark Ambrose from Richmond North Yorkshire, recalls navigating his way through the internet trying to find some decent listening matter, to no avail!!!! Hence the brainchild was born.

During the first 16 months of broadcasting has amassed an amazing 82,570 friends of the station per week and growing on a daily basis. The stations ethos, format and integrity has earned huge respect from artists across the globe old and new. Mod radio’s theory for modernism is simple, remember and cherish the past, but support and nurture the new, we can only move forward with bands that are prepared to break the mould , work hard and dare to maintain originality.

The station actively seeks, encourages and cultivates both musicians and listeners participation. ‘By opening our ears and working with our audience are we able to provide a worthy and progressive service’ enthuses proud owner Mark. We are absolutely delighted by the positive feedback we receive and this has firmly rooted us to be considered a main contender to mainstream stations.

As such the demand for mod radio’s appearances has quadrupled in the past 12 months. They are invited to participate at festivals countrywide and are on guest lists at the request of bands to attend many gigs Obviously, this is necessary for the station to provide accurate feedback for listeners and support the live music scene- We know that there is a definite bubbling under the surface and the public are getting bored with the same manufactured crap that is mainstream in the charts, once the breakthrough has happened it will explosive and worth the wait!!!!!

Among the many branches of media the station is actively involved in various projects pertaining to the mod scene. Mod radio was first choice to promote the new musical production for ‘All or nothing’ showing at the Vaults theatre in London, soon to be on tour across the country. Also, to the stations credit is has been approached and in deed, achieved vital public awareness of various kickstarter project films . ‘The Being’ raised the funds and is now in production, and ‘Pebble and the Boy’ is in the midst of fundraising hoping to be broadcast late 2017, although both films are mod related they rate high in public interest.

A recent complement for the station is a cultural advance into the sphere of authors and books. They have been privileged to interview various authors who have openly discussed various projects either finished or in progress and they intend to continue with this trend which has proven highly popular with the listeners.

As a station mod radio is a steadfast anchor, platform, friend and associate for the new music scene and will continue its advancement with support from listeners and sponsors who enjoy being an integral part of a new movement.

With this strong hold Mod radio is here to stay!!!! And to improve and enhance the service provided is always on the lookout for Companies willing to grow with the station and sponsor a versatile yet approachable new venture.
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