Traditional Style Wedding Shots Coming Back into Style

OC Photography known for its flashy wedding shoots and dazzling shots have taken a step back to appreciate the true effects of more traditional wedding image styles. In a study conducted by the company, they found that more people saw a connection in the couples that were in the more vintage shots compared to those in flash, brightly lit and modern venues.
Nothing beats a traditional wedding, but you do not need an old church or grand castle to pull it off. Everything is in the finer details, and the way your photographs are taken and presented are key. OC Photography has now taken a different direction from their usual clientele to show awareness that the wedding photography industry has drifted too far away from the path. The normal wedding shots these days are just done to make the picture look dazzling, or the dress looks sparkly, no care seems to be taken to capture the love between the couple on their most monumental day. All the fine details seem to be lost in these grand shots nd the point of the wedding forgotten.
OC Photography will not even provide digital images; each wedding shot is put into a personally designed wedding album so that you have something personal to the heart that you can hold and feel. Modern advancements mean that most albums are just sent on a disk or online which again takes the whole meaning of it away.
Tradition is making a comeback and plan to be at the forefront of the change.