Whats behind the MIST, check out the new issue OUT NOW!

From fashion to science, get lost in the MIST.

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Please click here for the latest issue, including exclusive interviews with Paul Smith and “Professional Adventurer” Fredrik Sträng! Alongside these fantastic fashion exclusives, Mist also delves deep into the cutting edge science stories of today. In this issue they look at test tube meat and the ethics of vegetarianism! http://mistmag.com/

Mist magazine is an exciting new free men’s and women’s fashion and science publication with an outlook for discovery features, revealing articles, lifestyle content and stunning fashion editorials. The London based magazine is an international publication, covering stories from all over the globe.
MIST magazine arrives with new ideas for a new world. It is truly international and boldly combines the contents of fashion, culture and science. With a style that is a fusion of cutting edge and refined classical.

Its innovative online presence aims to push the boundaries. For both its audience, who enjoy a clearly directed and curated journey through high quality content for free and for the advertisers who have more space than ever before to make the best possible impression across online terrestrial and mobile devices.