Hypnotherapy for Weight Management

Hypnotherapy has been shown over various scientific studies to be more effective compared to other therapies when it comes to Weight Management.

More information: www.blhypnotherapy.co.uk

This time of year I get a lot of calls from people looking to join my Weight Management Programme using hypnotherapy also the gym’s start filling up again or people decide to go on a diet and join their local slimming clubs to lose the excess of the last year.

There are a few rules people should know if they really want to help themselves reduce weight, they are easy to follow and common sense in fact I tell all of my weight management clients to follow the simple steps.

Eat when you are hungry.

Don’t wait until your set meals times. Plan to be hungry through the day.


Because it’s your body’s way of telling you it needs fuel, you don’t have to have a FULL meal just a small amount until you feel satisfied.

If you eat when you are hungry the body will take what it needs .It will disguard the rest naturally. This way it gets rid of food it doesn’t need rather than storing it every chance it can when you starve yourself!!!!

80/20 balance

Normal people have a fairly balanced diet so a bit of fun food is o.k. . . . You’ll find the more you resist the fun/unhealthy food the more you’ll be drawn towards them.

If you eat too many carbohydrates you are setting your body up for fat storage, so think before you eat!

So try the 80/20 balance – 80% of the food you eat is to be healthy and good for you, but the 20% can be fun food like a takeaway or a treat.

Eat Consciously.

Chew every mouthful about 20 times in order to aid your digestion system.

Slow your eating speed down by about a quarter of what it used to be.

Put your knife and fork or spoon down between mouthfuls.

Really enjoy every mouthful and try to really concentrate on the textures and flavours of the food.

Eat at the table

Eat at your table if possible and make sure there are NO distractions. No T.V, Mobiles or Computers on. All of these dull your senses so it takes longer for your brain to pick up the signals that its getting full and you will over eat. Plus you get family time together at the table.

Stop eating if you think you are full!!!

Think about the food when you’re eating if you feel like you’re getting full, STOP…..

Were you told as a child to eat everything on your plate or you will be in trouble?

Or maybe when you were growing you were told that they were starving kids all over the world and you should never throw away food?

It’s a common pattern of behavior and this can become ingrained into a habit.

Try not to feel guilty about leaving or throwing away food if you’re getting full.

The food you didn’t used to leave is the food that helped you to put the weight on. Think about it !

It’s o.k. to leave and even throw food away.

You don’t have to clear the plate to feel satisfied.


1. Feeling faint/ light headed
2. Ravenous
3. Fairly Hungry
4. Slightly Hungry
5. Neutral
6. Satisfied
7. Full
8. Stuffed
9. Bloated
10. Nauseous

Now I want you to use this scale when you are feeling hungry and I want to eat when you get between 3 and 4!!!

If you eat between 1 and 2 your body will go into starvation mode.

Stop eating when you reach 6-7


Cut out the amount of caffeine you maybe be drinking, coffee, tea or fizzy drinks. Replace it with water or a healthier option. Did you know there are 9 spoons of sugar in some cans of cola type drinks?


The time it takes for the body to eliminate one half of a caffeine dose is normally between 3 to 12 hours. It is called the half-life of caffeine.

Several factors can shorten or lengthen the half-life of caffeine. Smoking, medications and diseases are some factors. Pregnant women have higher caffeine half-life, 18 to 20 hours – pretty much longer for the fetus since its organs are not yet fully formed to be able to eliminate caffeine easily.
About 99% of the elimination process takes place in the liver.
Did you know that????

You may think that you don\’t drink nearly enough to become addicted to it, but you probably already are. \”Careful research conducted by the department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine shows that low to moderate caffeine intake (as little as one 14-ounce mug per day) can quickly produce withdrawal symptoms.

Most a.m. caffeine drinkers don\’t realize it, but their morning cups of coffee set their bodies up for a rollercoaster day of highs and lows, only to bottom out at the point of exhaustion. Just a few hours after consumption, when the artificial high dies down, many people may reach for more coffee or something sugary to get another lift, leading to daily fluctuations in energy and alertness, and possibly to eventual chronic adrenal exhaustion.

I believe it is a good thing to promote some form of exercise into your lifestyle. I find the best time to do some is in the morning before breakfast therefor promoting the body to start burning fat. A simple 20 minute walk every day is enough to keep healthy. Not only will it impact positively on your physical health but also it’s been found to be extremely good for mental health as well. I also think swimming is perfect if for example to and not get on your feet because the water will support your body making it easier to exercise.

I hope this has helped you and if you feel you need more support please contact me directly on 024 76336040

Adam Cowming
Beautiful Life Hypnotherapy